Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Stuff to make you go hmmm

I haven't posted for a while because I was traveling and life has gotten a little crazy.
I found these ads from a website in Canada and I was blown away!

I am not sure what to think about them, they definitely make me go hmmmm:
The website is and it is a place where you can ask the tough questions about religion. It is pretty interesting!

I wrote an article for my employee newsletter that will be published in December/January. I am posting it here just because I can :)

As the new year approaches, many people turn to thoughts of resolutions and how they are going to do things differently this year. But is January 1st the best time to make significant changes in your life? And are you making the right changes for the right reasons?

Many people resolve to lose weight or get in shape in January. 22% of all gym memberships are sold in January and February to those people who wake up and decide "this is the year" they are going to get in shape! If you wait until March, the parking lot of the gym will thin out, you can park right by the door and not have to wait in line for the Stairmaster.

Are we a community of quitters? No, we are members of a growing group of people who set unrealistic goals for the wrong reasons. If you want to lose weight or get in shape then why wait until January 1st? If you really want to quit smoking or eat healthier or get organized then start today!

Sometimes it is easier to set smaller, more realistic goals where you can celebrate your successes sooner. This will give you encouragement to continue on to your long term goals.

Here are some examples of smaller, more realistic resolutions:

  1. Today I will not look for left over Halloween candy in the back of the pantry.
  2. This week I will wash all my laundry, not just 5 of each item
  3. I will not nag my spouse to do household chores (unless he is in front of the TV)
  4. I will stop buying stuff online just so I can check out the UPS guy.
  5. I will stop telling my teenaged daughterÂ’s friends about her personal habits.
  6. I will limit the number of times each month I call the homeowners association on my neighbor about his weed covered lawn.
  7. I will eat more food in its natural state; i.e.; chocolate without caramel, ice cream without marshmallow sauce, etc.
  8. I will not dry my daughterÂ’s volleyball shorts by hanging them out the window on the way to practice.
  9. I will leave the Sky Mall catalog on the plane, because there is nothing in there I actually need.

Resolutions are helpful, but make sure they are achievable. In the words of Mark Twain, "New Years Day: Now is the accepted time to make your regular annual good resolutions. Next week you can begin paving hell with them as usual."