Thursday, September 14, 2006

Life Lists

I keep hearing about people writing their "Life Lists". I have never been much into the idea of writing goals. I think I have a fear of success/failure and by writing things down, it is one more way to be held accountable.

I read this book called Write It Down, Make It Happen by Henriette Anne Klauser. It is fascinating! She shares examples of where people wrote what they wanted and how it came true. She also shares some exercises to help you get the thoughts out of your head and onto paper.

So, I wrote a few things and I was amazed because some of them are not things I ever consciously admitted I wanted.

In no specific order, these are somethings I want to do or have in my life...

to see fireflies
exercise weekly
be paid as a public speaker
see the Northern Lights
to find a way to be involved at Central
get a new, great family portrait
get my teeth fixed
have more friends
learn to knit be continued