Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Bad things and good things

Wow, sometimes life can really kick you in the balls... there are days where the stuff I am struggling with is under control, and then one thing happens, and it all becomes overwhelming and now I am drowning in all this crap I thought I could deal with.

All I want to do is crawl back into bed a cry. I don't cry, almost ever (thanks to anti-depressants) and today that is all I want to do. But it is almost time to pick up my kids and I have to stay in control...

Today my boss, who is one of the most wonderful men I have ever worked for, got canned. They eliminated his job. No warning, no notice and then the entire department was re-organized and my job description was re-written. Now my supervisor is someone who has been a peer since we were all hired last summer. While she will be a good supervisor, it is hard to have someone who you confided in become your boss.

So on top off all the other stuff going on in my complicated life, I have to deal with this.

Well, I'll deal. Fortunately (or unfortunately depending on how you look at it) I love this job and I don't want to leave. I have passion for what I do and the organization I work for. I may not be happy with the decision, but I will keep moving forward.

DH and DS are in heaven because the Dodgers are in the playoffs :)

We went to one of the last home games two weeks ago for DS birthday and had a great time, even though they lost. And when they won on Sunday with a grand slam in the bottom of the 9th with 2 outs, guess who got blamed for us not going to that game, but the one the night before? You guessed it! ME

Well on Sunday, DD and I were at the Orange County Swap Meet shopping for 5 hours. And in 5 hours I bought....................................................................................................
......................................................................wait for it............................
..........a pomegranate.

Yep, that's it! 5 hours and I bought one piece of fruit. And two weeks later I still haven't eaten the damn thing!

Oh well, we had fun :)

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